Saturday, July 23, 2016

80 acres of Sunflowers

If you happen to be around the Spokane Washington area from August-September I would HIGHLY recommend stopping by this 80 acre sunflower field! We visited the field on 7.22.16 and some flowers had bloomed, but there was still a good majority that have not bloomed. What a fun experience this was! Beto and I both grew up in Central California, and we have seen tons of different crops growing but never any flower fields. I took tons of pictures before a huge storm came through the area, and plan on returning once they are in full bloom. There is no specific address for the field, but if you are interested in checking it out you will need to get on N Highway 395 towards and head towards Deer Park, Wa. There is an old abandoned weigh station that people tend to park in. The field its self is off 395 between N Spotted Road and Arlington road. We simply googled Sunflower field Deer Park Wa and two facebook pages popped up. I clicked on the one with the smiley face and simply pressed get directions. (Here is the link to that FB page)If you are in the area and decide to check it out we would love to hear about your experience. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Rv Living [Full time rv'ing with 4 dogs]

Our dogs are basically our fur children so you could imagine prior to going full time in our rv I had LOTS of thoughts and questions going through my mind. Most Rv parks allow 1-2 dogs, so you could imagine my concern when I have 4! There is no way that we would get rid of them or anything of that nature they are our kiddos and bring us so many smiles and happiness. I looked around on the internet about this myself because I had so many thoughts and questions regarding the whole issue. So I have accumulated my own thoughts and want to share it with others and hope in some way it will help you or answer some of your questions.

Lets see here for starters I would hope you have a somewhat well behaved and sociable dog. We have always taken our dogs on road trips with us and they love going for car rides. They are dog friendly and are constantly trying to get the attention from other pets and people we pass. If they are a little rowdy and not as well behaved as you would like them to be it will just be a longer transition. If you want to make the swith to full time rving then you will more than likely be willing to work with your animals if they mean that much to you.

My biggest fear when I thought about full timing is how would i even sneak 4 dogs into the rv park. I thought for sure I would be thrown out, but that wasn't the case at all. At this time we have been full time rving for 6 months and I have yet to have anyone confront me about the number of dogs I have. There are certain steps we take to avoid this from happening. Majority of parks allow 1-2 dogs, which means we only ever take 2 dogs out at a time. Three of our four dogs are black and somewhat resemble each other so I don't think that anyone notices the different dogs. So in a nutshell we are rebels, we are rule breakers and take the chance. 

A very important part of living with 4 dogs in a small space is daily walks and exercise. They need to get outdoors and burn off some of that energy. We try very hard to walk them or take them to the park everyday. We are not perfect some days we are just to darn busy, but they deserve it so we try our hardest. 

We created a video on this topic where we go into more details about rving with dogs. Feel free to check it out! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

RV Remodel Vinyl Plank Wood Ceiling

When we purchased Ol' King he was covered in 1990's wallpaper. This wallpaper was peeling off in several areas, but yet in other areas the wallpaper was staying glued on for dear life. When it came to the ceiling we tried our best to remove it all, but it was being very stubborn. Initially we thought that we were just going to paint the ceiling just a basic white. After some online inspiration I thought why don't we add a dark wood feel to the roof as well as the flooring. Rather opting for real wood we decided to go with a sticky vinyl flooring. We went down to our local Lowes to scope out their selection. We ended up leaving with a beautiful dark colored vinyl that pairs with the flooring perfectly.

Prior to leaving the store we talked with multiple employees to see what would be best for applying the vinyl to make sure it sticks. We were advised to purchase this adhesive to apply to the surface even through the planks themselves were sticky we wanted to make sure they weren’t going anywhere. As we started into this project we soon realized it was going to take some time, but nothing worth having comes easily. This diy project is definitely a two person job. My husband and I make a good team, and we made a system to applying the planks. 

Majority of the time a ladder was needed to place the planks to the ceiling, except in the bedroom where the ceiling is low.  My husband was in charge of measuring and cutting the planks to the correct size. While he was cutting I was on the ladder applying the adhesive to the roof, placing the vinyl and rolling it out once applied.  The adhesive had to be applied about 10-15 minutes prior to placing the vinyl on it so that there was enough time to let it get tacky. Once the adhesive was tacky we would set the strip of vinyl into place, and then I would roll out the piece. This project was time consuming, but worth all those neck cramps while looking up towards the ceiling. 

We are very pleased with our end result and would do it again!

Below are some photo's of the ceiling upgrade using the vinyl wood 

 Check out that old ceiling. 

The white wall paper had turned yellow 
and falling off.


                                                   Lots of rolling was involved. 


Slowly getting there with the back room completed.

Kitchen and living space ceiling completed.

Click on the video below to check it out.

 <3 Brit

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Caulking and Resealing RV Roof

As we started in on our remodel we did experience some light water damage, which thankfully was nothing we couldn't handle. Taking that water damage into consideration we wanted to take all preventative measures possible to avoid future water or leaking damage. It is inevitable that over time any RV roof will leak so it is important that all RV owners are aware of what measures they can take to prevent that. Below we have the supplies needed as well as the step by step process complete with directions on how to reseal your roof.

Supplies needed are:
Dicor Self Leveling Lap Sealant
Mineral Spirits
Caulking Gun
Paper Towels

Step 1: 
Assess your current sealant on your roof what is the current state of the sealant. Are there cracks in the current sealant? Is there areas that are missing sealant? If there are cracks in your current sealant that is an indicator that you will need to reseal that area. It is crucial to know what you are working with prior to diving in to the actual project, as well as being aware to what you are getting yourself into.

Step 2:
Now that you have taken a good look at what needs to be done you can start your preparation. You will need to start cleaning the area you will be resealing with the paper towels and mineral spirits. I recommend applying the cleaner to the paper towel and then wiping the area.  Prior to moving forward make sure the area is dry.

Step 3:
Now that you have thoroughly cleaned the areas you are ready to lay the dicor self leveling lap sealant. Place the dicor into the caulking gun, but before you get to laying it  I would recommend doing a test run. Aim the sealant onto a news paper or even a piece of cardboard just as an indicator on how the flow of sealant will be flowing from the gun. Once you are ready start laying down the sealant. When applying the sealant don't be afraid to be a little generous especially if you are not a fan on water damage. Remember that this sealant is self leveling so it will self level :)

Step 4:
Allow the sealant to dry up and then come back and check up on it within the next couple days. It is important to see how it drying and laying. It also isn't a bad idea to double check your work and make sure you have resealed all the correct areas and have not over looked any. Just like that you will have a sturdy leak free roof on your rv.

We hope that this easy step by step routine will help your rv for all your future trips! Below we have attached a video of our resealing. Hope this information helps you! :)

<3 Brit