Thursday, February 25, 2016

Caulking and Resealing RV Roof

As we started in on our remodel we did experience some light water damage, which thankfully was nothing we couldn't handle. Taking that water damage into consideration we wanted to take all preventative measures possible to avoid future water or leaking damage. It is inevitable that over time any RV roof will leak so it is important that all RV owners are aware of what measures they can take to prevent that. Below we have the supplies needed as well as the step by step process complete with directions on how to reseal your roof.

Supplies needed are:
Dicor Self Leveling Lap Sealant
Mineral Spirits
Caulking Gun
Paper Towels

Step 1: 
Assess your current sealant on your roof what is the current state of the sealant. Are there cracks in the current sealant? Is there areas that are missing sealant? If there are cracks in your current sealant that is an indicator that you will need to reseal that area. It is crucial to know what you are working with prior to diving in to the actual project, as well as being aware to what you are getting yourself into.

Step 2:
Now that you have taken a good look at what needs to be done you can start your preparation. You will need to start cleaning the area you will be resealing with the paper towels and mineral spirits. I recommend applying the cleaner to the paper towel and then wiping the area.  Prior to moving forward make sure the area is dry.

Step 3:
Now that you have thoroughly cleaned the areas you are ready to lay the dicor self leveling lap sealant. Place the dicor into the caulking gun, but before you get to laying it  I would recommend doing a test run. Aim the sealant onto a news paper or even a piece of cardboard just as an indicator on how the flow of sealant will be flowing from the gun. Once you are ready start laying down the sealant. When applying the sealant don't be afraid to be a little generous especially if you are not a fan on water damage. Remember that this sealant is self leveling so it will self level :)

Step 4:
Allow the sealant to dry up and then come back and check up on it within the next couple days. It is important to see how it drying and laying. It also isn't a bad idea to double check your work and make sure you have resealed all the correct areas and have not over looked any. Just like that you will have a sturdy leak free roof on your rv.

We hope that this easy step by step routine will help your rv for all your future trips! Below we have attached a video of our resealing. Hope this information helps you! :)

<3 Brit