Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Making a plan for your Dreams

Hello and welcome to our blog! Thank you for taking time to read about our crazy, fascinating, and unpredictable life. This blog will be about a husband and wife's journey to go against the grain and live a bit "differently" some would say. For us this way of life fits into our dreams and goals, and we are totally content. We keep in mind that this isn't for everyone, and keep an open mind in that regard. To each their own I always say. We are opened minded individuals that are in no way trying to pressure this way of life onto anyone else. We just want to share our story and our adventure :)

Welp, I feel like I can talk about this topic for days if I could and give a lengthy back story(which I will probably do in a future blog). We have decided to purchase a 5th wheel trailer as well as a big beefy Ford 250 Diesel truck and live out of the 5th wheel (also referred to as being a "full-timer"). An interesting concept to say the least, but it fits our needs and will allow us to be debt free and have the freedom to travel where we choose.

My husbands initial reaction to my hair brain ideas are usually "No way!" Which in this scenario was his exact reaction, but I asked him to keep an open mind. I asked my husband if he had ever even stepped into a trailer or an rv of any sorts, which he had when he was like 8 years old. Considering it had been 20 years since he had been inside a trailer I asked him if we could just go take a look. Clearly for size purposes :) Thankfully he was open to the idea of "looking".

A few weeks later we went to our local used trailer dealer just to take a look around, and surprisingly my husband thought they were "pretty roomy". Which means a lot coming from him, and gave me hope seeing as my idea wasn't completely shot down. Then about a week later out of no where he tells me, " I want to do it babe! I want to sell all our crap and move and travel."

Where was this coming from? It was truly music to my hears. I honestly thought I was going to have to do a little work on my end you know convince him to jump on board with me. However that was not the case at all. I simply planted a seed, and he really went with it. Needless to say we started truck shopping and 5th wheel shopping and it progressed from there.

Today we are proud owners of a 1990 King of the Road 5th wheel.  We purchased it from the sweetest older couple and hope we make them proud. We have began to remodel the 5th wheel and slowly have started to pare down(basically sale or get rid of all your crap that you don't use). We are extremely excited about this new journey in our lives and appreciate that you are apart of it as well. So sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride with us!

- Britnee  <3

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