Sunday, September 20, 2015

So many projects, so little time

Needless to say we have a ton of ideas and plans for our little home on wheels.  The ultimate goal is to be living in the 5th wheel within the next month. There is no rush to be living in it full time, however why not and save some dough considering that is our plan. We currently rent an older (built in 1925) 2 bedroom home with a 100ft drive way. The drive way really came in handy to fit the King. My husband and I have to decided to get all of the painting and flooring in before we start full timing it. I don't think the laundry list of projects will ever end. I constantly brainstorm of different projects and ideas to modify the 5th wheel. I really need to just turn off my brain at times because I overwhelm myself with the possibilities.

Without further ado......Let the demolition begin!

Found a little bit of water damage : / Nothing we can't fix

Buhhhhh Bye linoleum and fuchsia carpet.

Nasty, dirty, sand filled carpet....good ridden!
Day 1 of Renovation
The first day was extremely successful. I feel that we got a lot accomplished, but still have a looooooong way to go. We were able to rip up majority of the flooring, as well as remove all the window treatments which included curtains and blinds. Boy was it a dust storm in there! I sure am glad we purchased masks they sure came in handy. We removed all the cabinets and placed them in our garage for safe keeping, and to prep for painting. We also started in on the wall paper fiasco. In some areas the wallpaper was very easy to remove and other areas not so much. There were sections in the 5th wheel that the paper was already loose and sagging, which was more my cup of tea because it was easy to remove. In the sections that it was not loose took a lot more elbow grease to remove. I tried a few tricks and tips to remove the wall paper, but none seemed to put a dent in it. Amongst my research some tips were to use a blow dryer, a rag with hot water, and different spray on chemicals. None of the above worked, which I'm sure is due to the 25 years the wallpaper has been hanging on for dear life. What we found worked best for us was starting to peel a small section with our finger nail or small metal putty knife. Once able to lift a small area of the paper we would slowly work the putty knife in more and more to remove larger sections of the wall paper. The 5th wheel was seriously covered in wallpaper so I would say it took me a week to remove it.

We also removed the kitchen dinette. By removed I pretty much mean demolished, lol. The husband got a little demo happy and wanted to break just about everything it seemed, so I had to remind him we are on a budget as well as repurposing the already existing items. We ended the day with a massive dump run and called it a day.
Here is a short video of some of the work we did.
<3 Britnee

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